
Sunday, 9 August 2015

5 Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan

I am hosting a 5 Day FREE Sugar Detox group!

With Summer, brings all the goodness like cold ice cream on a hot Summer day, beers on a patio with friends, BBQs with friends + family, parties, holidays... The list goes on!

It's been SO MUCH FUN, but at the end of Summer, some are left with some evidence of a great Summer left on our bodies! LOL Maybe this is why sweaters in the fall are so popular... :P

This group will focus on eliminating PROCESSED + REFINED sugar and carbs. White carbs do a lot of the same that sugar does in our bodies, leaving you with CRAVINGS, you eventually CAVE to that craving, and around and around we go.

This 5 days will NOT be easy, BUT with a group to support + motivate you, a group that is ALL going through the same withdrawals, the same struggles, will make it SO much EASIER (and dare I say, maybe even make it FUN?!).

The 3-5 days of WITHDRAWALS are WORTH the end goal. Feeling HEALTHY, vibrant, active, proud, less stress, happy + NOURISHED!

FOOD determines your mood. It determines how you handle stress. It determines your activity level. Your confidence. Your self image. How you parent. How you react to situations with your family/friends/children/coworkers, etc. Food determines your future, your HEALTH, your statistical probability of disease... So why do we GIVE IN to instant gratification, for that moment of enjoyment to only last MOMENTARILY?!

It is WORTH it to plan. It is WORTH it to go through the withdrawals. EVERYONE in your life will feel the difference, YOU will feel the difference. I have seen people enter these groups, continue on and see massive growth in their WORK, promotions, happier kids... It's all about the COMPOUND effect of your choices. When you're happy, you're fulfilled, you're confident, EVERYTHING else in your life seems to get BETTER. Why? Because YOU are better. YOU are more driven. You are HAPPIER with WHO YOU ARE!

So let's DO THIS! Email me at to get into this group that starts TOMORROW!

Here is MY personal meal plan, I am following the 21 Day Fix Extreme meal guide, with competition diet worked in there twice! I am moving that up to three times next week! I have a VACATION planned for September, and it's at a waterpark. Where I will be wearing a bathing suit. Motivation ENOUGH!

Make THIS week, YOUR week. EVERYDAY you are given choices. Make choices TODAY that will benefit your tomorrows. Your future. Health is about SO MUCH MORE than a number on a scale, than looking great, it's about feeling good, loving YOURSELF enough to take care of YOU, and being the BEST person you can be, the person you were CREATED to be! <3

Make this week COUNT!

Your Coach,


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