
Thursday, 22 May 2014

Week in HAWAII!

This past two weeks have been AMAZING!

My vacation was absolutely unreal! I went with my mom, so I basically got to live for a week, as a kid again. Riding around in the backseat, not having to figure out how to drive in a new place (PS, I'm one of those annoying tourists who "forgets" how to drive when I'm somewhere new LOL), and really just disconnected and relaxed.

I wanted to write this post to share that I was NOT perfect in my eating habits. Not in the least. BUT, I am a foodie on vacation. I literally travel so I can try new foods; I research restaurants before I go, and get excited to eat all sorts of new foods, whether they are healthy or not. Needless to say, I didn't follow any structure with my eating. If I wanted it, I ate it.

Came home, got on the scale just because I was curious. I gained a whopping 12 lbs. 12!

A year ago, I would have beat myself up, felt bad, guilty and a ton of other negative feelings. Then, I'd feel so bad about myself, I'd lie around and continue the cycle until the thought of going on a "diet" and working out, was daunting. This time,  I honestly did not even flinch. I was wowed that a number like that could happen in such a short amount of time, but it made me laugh!

So, what's the shift?

I live a healthy lifestyle. I AM healthy. I love nourishing my body with what it needs, and doing my workouts makes me feel good. It's not something I'd ever give up. To be completely honest, it's actually empowering! The BEST feeling is knowing that it'll be gone no problem. That I can go out and enjoy myself, and not have to worry about "falling off the wagon" so to speak. When I made this a lifestyle, there was no more falling off the wagon. If I wanted something sweet, or unhealthy, I made a conscious decision to indulge. It's no longer about finding the motivation to do it, or having the mentality of diets and restriction. I eat what I want. On the same token, I have learned SO much about nutrition, and about MY body and how I truly enjoy my life MORE when I feel GREAT. I started focusing on foods that make me feel GREAT instead of focusing on foods I can't eat. 

We all want what we can't have, right?

Make it about what you CAN have. 

Anyway, this week I have been SO excited to get back to my workouts that I've been doubling up. I've MISSED the feeling after a workout. I've missed the feeling of being HEALTHY, feeling light, invigorated, energetic. 

I've jumped RIGHT back in with P90X and T25, and back to tracking my macros and eating whole, clean foods. 

I'll post my meal plan for next week on Sunday! Vegas is only FOUR weeks away! Going to be surrounded by my Beachbody family, AND I even get a photo op with a celeb trainer… Need to get back to WORK so I can maybe even show off some guns in my pic ;) 

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