I am officially 6 weeks to my GOAL DATE, competition with friends (that THEY are doing, I on the other hand, am NOT -- you don't want to see me in heels on a STAGE! *cue me falling FLAT on my face).
Fitness photos are happening, 5 weeks to PEAK WEEK ... And I have WORK to do.
I found my before my picture, the day I became a Coach.
I vividly remember CRYING when I took this picture. By the way, I was TOTALLY sucking in in this picture, and this was AFTER a staggering 25 lb weight loss. I refused to take before pictures when I was immediately post pregnancy, I couldn't bear to see it myself, although I'm kicking myself now.
It's funny --- it's not the BODY that has changed in these pictures, although it has, it's the LIFE. I can't even fathom how I lived like I did in the first picture.
I felt hopeless. I wasn't happy with my life. I worked at a job I wasn't happy with. The job itself was fine, but I always knew I wanted MORE. I was living paycheque to paycheque with NO end in sight. I felt horrible. All my dreams seemed to be like balloons that were slowly being pricked and deflated.
Then I decided if I wanted my LIFE to change, I had to. There was no way around it. Nobody was going to come into my house and make shit happen. I had to do it myself.
So I changed. Just like that. I decided to do it.
Then I found out about Coaching --- the life I dreamt of could be MINE, if I just STARTED, stuck with it, and worked hard. So I did. I read, A LOT, I worked out, I started to see the potential I had, the capabilities to change lives around me, and ultimately change my own.
Now the AFTER picture, is a whole new journey. It's officially my BEFORE picture for competition prep, something I NEVER thought I would do. I never thought I could be a fitness person, much less get my body into peak physical condition. The girl on the left never thought that would be possible.
But here I am. Doing it. Starting a whole new journey and pushing myself to my limits.
Daily discipline.
Sticking to a SUPER DIALED IN nutrition plan.
Basically eating vegetables and protein, everyday, all day.
And I've NEVER been so proud of myself.
This isn't easy, and emotionally, I couldn't stick to this before. After two long years of giving myself grace, working out, working on my confidence, realizing I COULD do anything, overcoming emotional eating, letting go of things that made me guilty, and truly realizing what I deserve, I know I can pull this off. This will be a piece of cake compared to everything else I've gone through these past two years.
This really isn't about a body transformation, it's a beautiful LIFE transformation.
When you realize what you can do, that YOU hold the key to everything in your life, that nobody is going to be there to cheer for you, be happy for you, build your life for you, you learn to depend on YOURSELF. And as awful as it may sound to go through, THAT is the magic. You realize it was YOU all along. YOU have everything you need inside of you to give you the motivation, to give the support, to give yourself the love you deserve.
So when people say we do this just for looks, they couldn't be more WRONG.
Although it will be FUN at this point to see some abs, it's not a definition of who I am or how I feel about myself. It's merely I CAN do it, so why the hell not?
Below is my competition plan. These are numbers specifically for ME and my goals, body type and activity level. Use for ideas, but please don't follow completely on point for YOU.
The competition plan has two days carb depletion with one day of regular 21 Day Fix eating. There are no fruits, no carbs and no BLUE containers for competition days, while you up your protein like a BEAST. (7 proteins a day?! LOL Doable, but not easy)
The competition plan is NOT for everyone. It's difficult, but it's something you can work up to.
If you'd like to join us in Glam Squad, where some people are trying to put on weight, some are trying to lose, some are doing 21 Day Fix, some the competition plan, you are empowered to achieve whatever goals YOU have, click this link and fill out the application and one of us will be in contact with you!
GLAM your life, your mind, your nutrition, and find your inner glamorous. Your best self. Find your MAGIC. <3
Click here to apply!