I've had issues with my body for as long as I can remember.
Then something miraculous happened; I hit what felt like rock bottom, and knew the only way to change my life, was to change my life. And that could only start with me.
From that point on, I made myself a promise to keep myself as a priority --- when I don't, everything else seems to fall apart. I want to live my best life, I deserve that. My kids deserve the best life. Fitness isn't everything, don't get me wrong, but fitness is simply something we need, something that makes us feel good, and allows us to do everything else better.
I learned discipline, how to get myself to do something I didn't want to do sans motivation, but because my well being was at stake, I learned to give myself grace when I found myself head first in a box of pizza (I've been there several times, and I will be there again #fact), and I learned to admire and respect my body. It has given me my life, allows me to live my life, and through realizing that, I have found so much confidence in myself and what I'm capable of.
Now here's the point of my blog post; its time to level up. Before, I did this not for the looks, but to feel good. To be healthy. Whats the point if you have neither of those things? That's the point, right?
Now that I no longer battle myself, talk down to myself, and feel like I'm living my life at a high vibration, I want to level up and see where I can take my body.
Now, it's all about the abs. It's all about creating even more discipline. Sticking to a super dialled in nutrition plan. Doing my workout and pushing myself in each one, not just doing it to do it. Striving for excellence.
I am working on a better me. I want to grow; and never stop.
SO---I am now in week 2 of Body Beast. I have started and stopped this program so many times. I wasn't mentally ready for it. I wanted to feel thin for so long, I didn't want to mess with what was working. I did my cardio, day in + day out, with no real difference, no spark like I used to have, I just did it to do it.
I have to say I am loving it. I have never felt stronger, more badass (even with my measly little weights right now), or excited to see physical change.
I feel like as human beings we feel our best when we're striving for a goal, when we're working on something, growing. What's the purpose of life if we're not? If we're just existing? It's euphoric to try. And even more so when you realize you're doing it. Im pushing play everyday, and much to my surprise, Im actually doing it. It's just me deciding to, it's that simple. Motivation, no motivation, I press play because I have to do it. I told myself I would, and I refuse to be the person who doesn't follow through.
GOAL: Toned, defined and add some muscle. My goal is not to be bodybuilder style, but bikini competition physique so I can get fitness photos done when I am in Nashville in July. 12 weeks.
So this week, here is my meal plan. It will not be easy to eat this much, (nutrition is always my struggle) but I am going to stick to it, along with my workouts.
At this point I'm just playing around with my containers. I am going to see what's working, gauge by how I feel, and my weight each week. If I am gaining too quickly, I will go down a bracket, however, if I'm not seeing any growth, I will go up.
Follow my journey on snapchat: kryshamilton1 or Facebook at www.facebook.com/krystyna.hamilton.9